I got up early on the sunniest day of the year, so far and headed to Pike Place Market. Just enjoying seeing so many people out soaking up the sunshine, walking their dogs and showing off their babies. I walked through Post Alley and appreciated the various graffiti and collages, enjoying how they play off eachother and contine to change with time.

Then I walked North to the Olympic Sculpture Park. It was a little further away from downtown than I thought it would be, but worth every step. This view is from a pedestrian bridge on the way.

I love how Mt. Ranier seems above it all, mightier than the largest stadium, more majestic than any shipping crane and more mysterious than the ferry boats.
Here's the waterfront portion of the park with the Olympic mountains in the background. It's still a new park, the grass is coming in and the whole place feels very manicured.

I saw two security guards on foot and one in a golf cart. Seemed like a lot of supervision for the laidback tourists. Certainly for one knitter.

This guy and I had the same idea for a shot. I imagine his is improved for my not being in it. ;)

I made a little progress on the sock I started. It's a very simple, just go round and round type of sock using some long ago purchased Koigu, colorway Thanksgiving I believe. Since this picture I've made it to the heel!

I finished off my downtown adventures at Anthropologie where I managed to find pants for $10! And a cute new robe, for considerably more. Not to mention that later that evening I went to my first Gay Bingo.
It was such a good day that I almost don't mind the wicked sunburn I have, in April.