So when we heard that Seattle Tilth was having a harvest fair we were all in!
The location for the Harvest Fair was the Good Shepherd Center, a location so lovely I had my wedding reception there last summer. While there is a beautiful 100 year old building on the grounds, at one time used to shepherd "wayward girls", this time we were purely interested in the outside.

And all kinds of kids. (Sorry for the pun.) Tie dye was definitely in vogue here.

You can't forget the chickens! I was fascinated by this tiny coop. If only the chickens could be happy on my tiny balcony. But I don't own one square inch of dirt. I'm sure they'd want something to peck and scratch in.

It was a beautiful day. I love learning about composting, gardening and animal caretaking. It keeps me somewhat satisfied while I wait for a little piece of dirt. I've been on a community garden wait list for about 2 years.

But if you can't afford to buy a piece of dirt, make your own? Jesse teases me about making my worm dirt. Or more properly, vermicomposting, but I'm happy to make my own dirt. I'll add it to houseplants, throw it over a fence, whatever. I'm happy to be composting indoors. It's the least I can do and it's like a new pet around the house! Well lots of little red wiggly pets anyway.
Thanks to Karen for giving me worms! (You know what I mean.)