It's that grey time of year. When everything seems to boil down to this one color. I keep pulling it out of my closet. All the puddles reflect grey from the grey sky. This is when I have to make an effort to pull the color in.
Here's where it's coming from:
*New internet crush:
Color Me Katie Too adorable for words. Watch a video, then go dance with strangers.
*The buds making an effort to come up in my garden. Grow, grow, grow! While I contemplate seed purchases from
Territorial Seed.
*Cashmere I can afford:
Colourmart Maybe I'll finally make Jesse that cashmere sweater I've been promising. :)
deathcake is here. Yum.
*Water aerobics. Yep, I said water aerobics. I've been going with my Aunt Jill and loving it. 1)You don't sweat! 2)Nobody can see the awkwardness. :)
*Remembering colorful trips from the past. Here's Jesse at a museum in Oaxaca, Mexico.

*Planning for future trips. In April Jesse and I will go to Iceland and Sweden. I want to ride the small, native, shaggy horses that roll around in the snow when they get hot.
It may not be too late to see the Northern Lights as well.