My friend Quinn wanted to ride a ferry. I hadn't realized she'd never been on one in Washington State. Seeing as how she'd been on the B.C. ferries in Canada she was already spoiled. But I didn't want to be shown up by Canada and their beautiful ferries, cruise ships more like.
I thought ferry, out of town, ferry... hmmm. And we ended up on Bainbridge Island where there just happened to be a yarn shop I hadn't visited yet. That would be Churchmouse Yarn and Tea, at 118 Madrone Lane North. Very sweet, bright little shop. Where you can get some Manos and some rooibos all at the same time.

This is Quinn with the Olympic Mountains framing her in the background and, I kid you not, a picklefork to the left of her. Yes that is what they are really called.
I felt too self conscious to take pics inside the yarn store, next time.
Quinn is picture perfect, as always.
Doesn't she know it.
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