Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Be We in Paris or in Lansing...

I feel summer coming to a close. The weather is getting a touch cooler every day and I find myself wanting to fix this summer in my mind.

Not that I could forget:

Knitting my wedding dress at my Grandmas' bedside. Watching each of my friends discover Woodstock anew. Jesses' face when he read his vows to me.

I wouldn't forget that.

But I might forget the smaller moments, like blackberry picking with Steph, Zophie and Quinn.

Even if I did draw a little blood for my troubles.
I also got plenty of pie and freezer jam out of it.
Kat Wounded

And Nerissa Hula Hooping it up with Milo... I wouldn't forget that.

It's been a good summer.

Here's to hoping I can squeeze the best out of the next few weeks.

*Blackberry picking photos taken from

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