Asparagus and Rhubarb! Maybe not at the same time, but they're in season so I'm eating lots and considering putting some by for later... Maybe it's time to try pickling?
Slings and Arrows, a Canadian tv show written by Kid in the Hall, Mark McKinney. Funny and whip smart, it was suggested to me for the rumby pumby but that's not my favorite thing about it. (It isn't bad though...)
Greenhorn Radio on Heritage Radio Network. A radio show about young farmers across the USA. I'm looking forward to discovering other shows on this network, just as a quick overview I see some interesting ones on eating in, brewing beer, urban foraging... The Greenhorn site is very cool too. Join the irresistible fleet of bicycles! (I hope to when the weather finally improves.)
All my neighbors roses. They smell so much better than mine do, at least mine are pretty and the chickens seem to enjoy eating the petals. :)

Blue Sky Alpaca Sportweight Melange yarn in Cinnamon. For World Wide Knit in Public Day I cast on for a Ms. Marigold vest. Odd Summer knitting perhaps, but perfect for the weather we're having! This lady seems to be enjoying it in warmer weather, lets hope I do too.