Monday, February 13, 2012

The New Normal

Today was starting to feel like a normal day.  The kind of day where I manage to get a few things done.

I made some brown sugar.

It's pretty straight forward. You add one teaspoon of molasses to one cup of white sugar. And mix it up.

Then put it in your prettiest jar and you're done. I only made one cup because it turns out I was down to the very last bit of my molasses.

I knit a little bit on my newest hat, Fenimore by Jared Flood in his Shelter yarn, colorway Nest. Not many stores have Shelter yarn yet, but Churchmouse Yarns does, so whenever I go there I end up with a little in my basket. It's the colors that really get me. And I'm partial to mousey ones like this.

It's meant to be a loose cabled tam, but because I'm knitting it it's turning into more of a beanie... here's to hope and blocking!

I also made some granola, did some laundry, took a walk, really ordinary things. But they felt amazing because I was able to do most of those things while someone else slept.

I won't say who though.

1 comment:

Amanda Rudd said...