In preparation of Debbie Stoller visiting Hilltop Yarn, my coworkers and I got together and stitched many aprons to wear at her book signing. Daphne designed, organized and cracked the whip when needed. It was a lot of fun, as we so rarely get to spend creative time together. It was also cool to see my coworkers weilding another crafty skill, sewing. I relegated myself to the iron, as my sewing skills could use some help.
Basically I was happy to come home with both my thumbs. (See how I'm just hovering above the sewing machines, afraid to actually touch them?)

And here we are in all our aproned joy. That's from left to right: Betsy, Karen, me, Emily, Shannon, Daphne and Martine.

And it all paid off because Debbie Stoller came, she signed, she conquered!

Don't we look cozy?
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