Kalani Craig of Shibui was on hand to demonstrate toe up socks and promote their beautiful sock yarns. She brought many finished knits with her. It's always fun to see handknits in person as they shine in a way they never can in two dimensions. Here I am striking a pose in their silk and mohair sweater, "Transparency."

Kalani also demoed how their "Origami" sweater worked.

All in all it was a fun night, full of tempting yarn and useful information.
Hi Kat. We've met a couple times at Hilltop. Nice blog! I found it when I googled "stich n' pitch' (which I think you told me about--thank you very much!)
I love those colors! They're making me covetous! I wish I had money for beautiful yarns to knit wonderful things with. *Sigh* Maybe after I sell some stuff, huh?
I love the top picture with the hanks of yarn - gorgeous! Your knitting looks very neat too.
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