See this beach? This is Golden Gardens the beach closest to my home. Even though I don't go here often, especially in the winter, I love knowing it's there. I walk the ridge above the ocean view almost every day on my way to the bus stop. The fancier houses keep me from actually seeing the Pacific, but I always look East to see if the mountains are out.
Carly and Andy were married at the Boathouse on the beach. Built in the 1930's this brick building is quite charming. It looked even more so with us dressed up folk in it. Don't you think so?

Mmmm, yes there were lots of pies. Pumpkin, lemon meringue, pecan, apple, I didn't get to try them all, but they all looked delicious.

The bride was lovely and the groom was dasher. Carly had both her parents walk her down the aisle, which made me happy as I did the same thing. They both brought me here after all and it felt good to be able to honor them equally.
I bet Carly felt the same way.

After the ceremony at sunset there was still a little sunshine left and it caught the fall trees ablaze.

The bride getting a little assistance in the shoe department...

to her Fathers' amusement. Can you see how cute her green Fluevogs are!?
Then there was lots of time for dancing. Which I didn't properly capture as I was too busy cutting a rug myself. But I had a really great time.

I really did, and I think Steph did too!
I do wish you could have been there.
See you when the ice melts friend.