It was my 31st birthday this past November, we went to Snoqualmie Falls to celebrate. I wanted to eat the famous Salish Lodge Country Breakfast, the one my mom had told me about over and over again. About the pinafores on the waitresses, the many courses of biscuits, oatmeal, eggs and bacon, the roaring falls just outside the window.
As a young woman her mother-in-law had taken her up to the lodge to eat the fanciest meal of her life. It was to celebrate her pregnancy, the fact that she would be a mother soon and that would be something they shared.
To celebrate my coming into the world.
It seemed only right to eat there for the first time on my birthday.
And the falls were in fine form. The sun was out enough to make the mist glow.
As fine as the breakfast was, my favorite parts were just this. Just us and the falls. Each of us lost in our own thoughts.
Then coming together again. There we are. (Jesse is taking the picture.)
A perfect way to turn 31.