This is the view from our "love cottage", where Jesse and I stayed, towards the grist mill where most of our guests stayed. You can see Zena Creek to the right.

This is the ladies lunch Jill held for us the day before the wedding. That's Quinn, Clara, Diane and me (in the hat). We dined on the high lawn and the ladies shared advice, wisdom and wishes for our marriage. My favorites were the old adage "not to go to bed angry" and even better: to be adventurous!

More to come of the actual wedding, meanwhile I did find some New York City craftiness to get up to...
Anyword on the photo sharing website so I can make up for the pictures I lost? All my co-workers want to see pictures and I don't have any. -Carly
Congratulations again! It certainly sounds lovely. I'm looking forward to more pictures.
Kat- congrats on what I have heard was a wonderful day and an overall wonderful experience! :) I was hoping to get the details for your reception in Seattle so I can try and make it up to at least give you a big hug and tell you in person congrats. :) You can e-mail me if that's easiest:
Yay! Congrats! I love the new look of your site. Will you teach me how to make a cool header like yours?
I'm so glad the wedding was everything you wanted it to be! Hope to see you up in Bellingham again soon,
Barbara (Steph's friend)
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